What is dementia?
• An umbrella term to describe symptoms caused by 100 different progressive diseases. The most common types of Dementia are Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular Dementia, dementia with Lewy Bodies, and Fronto-temporal Dementias..
- Common to all are changes in communication, difficulties processing information and a reduced ability to carry out activities of daily living.
- It is not a normal part of ageing and can affect people of any age.
Challenges for a person living with dementia
- Disorientation in new places.
- Communication difficulties.
- Unrecognised pain.
- Physical deterioration.
- Distress and fear.
Supporting someone with dementia
- Be person-centred, get to know the person and find out what matters to them.
- Ensure you know how the person communicates.
- Work in partnership with family and carers.
- Always orientate the person to where they are.
- Regularly assess pain using a dementia pain tool (eg, Bolton Pain Assessment/PAINAD).
- Support physical needs and encourage independence.
- Remember, most distressed behaviour is caused by unmet needs - look for the reason if a person is distressed.