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This contains information, advice and guidance to help members of the RCN. It is intended for use within the UK but readers are advised that practices may vary in each country and outside the UK.
The information in these cards has been compiled from professional sources, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the RCN provides accurate and expert information and guidance, it is impossible to predict all the circumstances in which it may be used.
Accordingly, to the extent permitted by law, the RCN shall not be liable to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by what is contained in or left out of this information and guidance.
Unless stated otherwise card sponsors have not had any editorial input into the content, other than a review for factual inaccuracies.
Publication code: 010 120 Printed: June 2022
Up to date at the time of going to print.