Get to know your team well
You’ll have a preceptor and an amazing preceptorship team, so pester them! They have lots of combined knowledge and experience, and if they don’t know, they’ll help you find what you’re looking for.
Get your competencies out of the way!
It’s nerve-racking for us all, but the sooner you get your competency the quicker you can get any fears or worries out of the way, because you’ll be practicing independently.
Don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t go to plan
Sometimes the vein blows, or you can’t find the right “landmark”. Keep your patient in mind; they’ll often know if you feel defeated, so get some secondary advice and use it as a learning opportunity – your patients will understand.
Stand your ground
It’s easy to feel like the new kid on the block and sometimes you might doubt your gut instinct. Don’t. If there’s a difference of opinion, go and find the actual answer in a policy, or get a second opinion. Regardless of if you were right or wrong, use it as another learning opportunity and rest in the knowledge you did the best by your patient.
Get a small notebook
Fill it with hints and tips, bleeps, extension numbers, whatever you think you might forget, and keep it in your pocket.
Honesty is the best policy
We can’t know everything – if you’re asked a question and don’t know the answer, be honest and say you’ll find out. The more you ask, the more you’ll understand and in turn you can explain it to patients and co-workers. People have respected me for that; and with respect often comes trust.
Look after you
Make sure you have a really nice, comfy pair of work shoes.
Drink lots of water, your brain function improves no end when you’re hydrated.
Take your breaks, even if it seems impossibly busy, it’s 24-hour care and it’s okay to hand some jobs over.
Be prompt in booking annual leave – I quickly learned to take annual leave about every six weeks.
Because if you don’t look after you, how can you look after anyone else?!
It’s ok to cry
We all have down days, and it’s not a bad thing to get the emotion out.
But also remember to laugh
Try and find the positives in every day, and take every shift as a clean slate.