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Find out what being a student member of the RCN means and what we offer you as a member
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Student magazine
RCN Students is written by students, for students. Find inspiring student stories and see the latest guidance from the RCN to help with your placements and studies.
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Become a nurse
The RCN is a trade union and professional body, so we aren’t directly involved in the training of new nurses. If you haven't yet started training to become a nurse, you’ll find all the information you need on nursing as a career, and a course finder, on the NHS Careers website.
Find out more about starting your training to become a nurseStart your journey, digitally
Watch our series of past webinars for first year nursing students to find out more about the services and resources we provide to support your studies and future career. Future webinars will be announced soon, please keep checking back for updates.
Sign upJoin the RCN
Are you ready to join the world’s largest nursing union and professional body? We represent your interests and campaign on issues that matter to you. Be part of our community of close to half a million nurses, midwives, health care assistants (HCAs), assistant practitioners (APs), nursing associates (NAs), trainee nursing associates (TNAs) and nursing students.
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