Call Us
Our phone lines are open 7 days a week, just tap or dial the number below
0345 772 6100Have you checked our FAQ section or Advice Guides? These allow you self-service access to lots of really useful information, and may answer your question more quickly than a phone call.
However, if your enquiry is urgent or you need to speak to the advice team, you can call us by tapping the number above. We are available 9am-5pm on weekdays and 9am-4pm on weekends. Our phone lines are open to discuss membership enquires Monday-Friday, 8.30am-6pm.

Before you call...
- Pick your time: please think about whether you have the space and time to talk openly.
- Be prepared: we will ask you for your membership number and to confirm your employer’s details/place of work. Please also have any relevant documents to hand.
- Consider your desired outcome: ask yourself how we can help and what you would like to achieve from the call.